Micro Markets at your workplace

Micro markets are a combination of the vending, food, and refreshment services. A micro market is a custom designed market, with a self-checkout, cashless payment system, all in the comfort of your business or building.
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Success through cooperation

We like to treat each micro market location like a unique and different place. So by joining our forces together, we aim to bring the selection you want.

Success Through Cooporation

We like to treat each micro market location like a unique and different place. So by joining our forces together, we aim to bring the selection you want.

How it works

The way the whole process works, between picking your food and eating it, is incredibly easy. You see what you like, scan it, pay for it and eat it. It's that simple! 

Innovative technology

Thanks to the self-checkout cashless payment system, we can see exactly what products are being bought and when to replenish them. That way, we always have everything stocked up and ready to go.

Zero unsatisfied customers

Thanks to the large portfolio of brands that we work with, we guarantee that we have something for everyone.
Simple to use
You choose, scan, pay and eat
The store is open 24/7 and the payment is contactless and cashless
We are flexible. We stock up on what you want
This is a new way of shopping that is becoming more and more popular
We help businesses to save their employees time and create a better working environment, by taking the worry of what they will eat out of the equation, through our selection of high-quality food, snacks and drinks.
© 2022 HealthInBox - Selected by Lazar Angelov. All rights reserved.
The investor in the Company is "Innovation Capital Fund" KDA, whose activity is implemented with co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme "Innovation and Competitiveness" 2014-2020, managed by the Fund of Funds in Bulgaria."
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